Our aim is for continual improvement and to meet this commitment.

Deltadesign Décor LLC has documented, implemented and will maintain a quality management system which sets out to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 according to the expected level of client satisfaction using best practice techniques and within all legal and regulatory requirements.

A quality manual and supporting documents define the requirements of the system, and all members of management and staff must comply with them. We will continue to assess our activities with respect to the impact on quality, safety and the environment incorporating those controls necessary to achieve continual improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system. These goals are achieved by all employees combining their efforts and developing their skills to the maximum benefit of the business and our clients.

In order to implement this policy the following quality objectives in line with this policy have been established, communicated, understood and implemented at all levels throughout the company:

  • Timely delivery of services and products to meet our customer’s confidence in our performance, budget and quality expectation.
  • Continuous improvement of our processes and systems.
  • Ensuring our employees are properly trained and experienced so that they may better serve our customers.
  • A professional attitude and approach by both the management and staff to become the leading Decor contractor operating within the UAE.